Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Final Blog

Ok so with the hussle and bussle of graduation, I completely forgot to post my last blog post. When reflecting back on this semester, I am amazed at the amount of information I have learned. Coming into this semester, I remember hearing things about what I may or may not learn in this class and the work load we will have to endure etc. I am happy to say that I am coming out of this semester feeling like I have a better understanding for what exactly is 'multicultural literature.' I remember going into this semester thinking, 'This class is going to teach me how to pick the right books to promote all cultures and all races authentically.' I now understand there is no way to teach a class of individual teachers how to pick the right books that will reflect upon their teaching styles, their understandings, and their personal classroom. This class is helped me understand the importance of promoting equality and tolerance among all the mainstream and not as mainstream identities. My college experience as a whole has taught me the importance of understanding how every person is individual in their own individual ways. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize those individual perspectives. Every learner has their own story and it is up to me as a teacher to help make sure their story is told both accurately and authentically. Thank you for helping me see how it is up to me as a teacher to make sure that I continue to educate myself on contemporary literature as well as making sure my classroom library contains books that are authentic. I am eager to begin my career as an educator and I believe this class has helped me see all the great ways I can teach my students one book at a time.

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